Virtual Creative Industries Discussion: Whistlegraph
Thursday, May 27th at 12:30pm PST
Free, and open to the public
Join SMA Director Scott Malbaurn for a Creative Industries Discussion with Whistlegraph.
About the Artists
Whistlegraph is an evolving group of artists and performers currently consisting of Jeffrey Alan Scudder, Alex Freundlich, and Camille Klein. Topics ranging from art and technology to education and expression are explored through a novel art form combining drawing & live performance called whistlegraphing.
Developed by American artist, software developer, and lecturer Jeffrey Alan Scudder in 2019, whistlegraphs are memorizable hybrids of poetry, painting, storytelling and music inviting both artists and audiences to reconsider what qualities should be valued in each of these fields. Examples can be seen on the Whistlegraph TikTok account, which operates a shared sketchbook for the Ashland based group.
Frequent collaborators include artists Ella Fleck, Niki Stebbins, Matt Doyle, Anastasia Lewis, Adam Schwarz, Ash Nerve and an online community of artists & fans who keep up with the practice!
Related Events
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