Lost & Found Traditions:
New Directions Northwest
Artist Statement
NEW DIRECTIONS NORTHWEST was the first exhibition ever assembled of contemporary Native American art of this region. Organized by the Portland Art Museum in consultation with Native American artists Lillian Pitt, Joe Feddersen and Gail Tremblay, the exhibition featured paintings, drawings, sculpture and fiber work by 14 artists who either live in the Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Montana) or were influenced by Pacific Northwest culture. Their work, ranging in style from abstract to funk to neo-expressionist, combined the artistic traditions of both tribal and mainstream culture.
The exhibition was accompanied by an illustrated catalogue produced by the Evergreen State College with essays by leading Indian scholars. Following its showing in Portland, NEW DIRECTIONS NORTHWEST was on view at the Schneider Museum in Ashland, Oregon. Subsequently, selections from the exhibition were circulated throughout the Northwest by Exhibit Touring Services of Washington state.
Rick Bartow
Lawrence James Beck
Joe Fedderson
Ted Garner
John J. Hoover
Edna Jackson
James Lavadour
Larry McNeil
P.Y. Minthorn
Neil Parsons
Lillian Pitt
Suzie Bevins “Qimmiqsak”
James Schoppert
Gail Tremblay