On View:  November 7 – December 6, 1991

European Art of the Nineteenth Century:
Rogue Valley Collections and the Era of Mozart

Exhibition Statement

Paintings from private collections in the Rogue Valley were assembled for this exhibition, reflecting styles prevalent in Europe in the latter half of the nineteenth century: Realism, Romanticism, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism.

The Era of Mozart was celebrated by an array of art objects including tapestries, engravings, paintings, and sculpture, documenting the tastes of the latter half of the eighteenth century.

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Marcel Lenoir
Jean-Ernest Aubert
Jan Adriensz Van Staveren
Charles Gabirel S. Lemire
Alphonse Lambert
Edouard-Leon Cortes
Edmond-Marie Petitjean
Eugene Galian-Laloue
Charles Alexandre Malfray
Louis-Aime Japy
Julian Gustave Gagliardini
Felix Ziem
Eugene Boudin
Gustave-Edouard Le Senechal De Kerdreoret
Julien Le Blant
Gabriel-Gervais Chardin
Emile Breton
Clarence Montfort Gihon
Jean-Alfred Desbrosses
Armand-Arsene Mannoury
Louis-Marie Lemaire